20 year old blessing
Do you know what today is...it is Ivoree's birthday! Ivoree Re'sean is my oldest son, my first real love and my first joy. I remember twenty years ago when I was in one of the worst places in life. I was not walking hand-in-hand with God and thought that I was alone in life. All I could see was that I loved the wrong guy and he love the wrong lifestyle. Honestly, I thought that was my life's story and there was no change for me.
It is funny how we will plan our whole life around temporary situations that were only for a moment to prompt a change in our hearts.
I thought it was designed for me to fail. I am so thankful that God waited patiently for me to surrender. He never wanted that struggle for me; but, that is what it took to propel me to the place He had for me. Don't fight the process it is leading you somewhere.