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Water over Blood

Why do they always seem to appreciate those outside of the family as opposed to their own flesh and blood? Yelling, scolding, and just cutting to the core, at each other’s throats – going in for the kill. Even breaking down every hope and ounce of pride in the last name that we being males are to carry for life. Did I miss something? I thought that blood was thicker than water; but, in learning from this household– the principle is working in reverse. If a stranger disrespects them, they offer a smile and sweet phrase; it is all right no harm done.

Oh but let it be the flesh of their flesh and bone of their bones and all the gates of the enemy’s camp are opened. It is like there is no room for error on behalf of those the closest to them and everyone else gets a free pass. What happened to the compassion at home…after all this is your first ministry. It is apparent to me that there is nothing but hatred here…no worries…I’m good. I am so thankful that I can ‘create’ a new family. Lil D and the gang love me and will always have my back. They disrespect anyone that disrespects me. Something this so-called family YOUR God gave me would never do. This has got to be wrong!

Surely this is not how God intended for it to be when He designed the family. Could it be that we have allowed the enemy to invade an area he knew that a magnitude of power resided? The unity of family is so dominant that we could come together and slay every demon, generational curse, and strong hold in our blood line. So the enemy decided to turn family against family to cause discord amongst the unified force God designed to overpower him. As long as the bond of the family is broken, the enemy is free to go about stealing, killing, and destroying.

When do you plan to fight back? When you are crying over your child as they say how badly they hate you or when you have to bury them after seeking love from a gang? When do we correct the face of family? Can the real men and women of God PLEASE STAND…cause my life depends on it!

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