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Knock who out?

Jesus is our anchor, our foundation, our compass. How easy it is for us to drift off course from the pressures of this life. The enemy is so subtle that he will be patient enough to push us little by little. Then before you know it, you have arrived at a place in your life you thought that you would never take a pit stop even nowhere near. Our emotions begin to react; we are upset and frustrated and find ourselves further from God. Little do we realize that we are playing right into the hands of satan.

I have been there, if we all were truthful, many of us have been there. Nevertheless, rest assured there is a solution. According to I Corinthians 10:13 nothing is going on in my life that is not common to man. But God is faithful he will not let me be tempted beyond what I (you) can bear. He will even go as far to not allow that thing to crush you. He will give strength to your legs and arms to ...stand up under it. This means that it will not take you, through Christ, is stronger than it that is how you are able to 'stand up under it....'

That is the word yall. It is what God said it is. Whatever is attempting to crush you on today has to be told that it has no power or authority.

How great is our God....!

...conclusion of a conversation with my Father this morning~wandawiley

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